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Corbin Podium Guide

To use the podium, use the button panel located on the podium. Press System On, and the projectors will power on and the screen(s) will lower.

image of podium showing you to press system on

Press the PC button to send the podium PC to the monitors.

image of podium controls instructing you to press the pc button

To connect a laptop, plug the cables in the podium and press the HDMI or VGA button on the panel.

image of podium controls directing you to use the VGA or HDMI buttons when laptop is connected

To turn the system off press the System Off button on the panel.

podium controls instructing you to press the system off button

To use the Blu-Ray player, press the Blu-Ray button on the panel.

podium controls instructing you to press the blu ray button

Use the volume knob to adjust the volume.

podium controls instructing you to use the volume knob