Milligan University will host the 30th Annual Blue Ridge Undergraduate Conference on April 11, 2024. This event provides a friendly and supportive platform for undergraduate students to showcase their research and other scholarly endeavors. This is a great opportunity to practice presentation skills, broaden one's academic network, and gain exporse to a diverse array of scholarly fields. Click on the links below to learn more and to locate resources for the event.
ORGSP will provide a bus for participating students who need transpiration to Milligan University on Thursday, April 11, 2024. However, sign-up is required. Please visit "LMU Bus Sign-Up" below to register your intent. Travelers are encouraged to be at Tex Turner Arena for pick-up at 7am, with bus departure promptly taking place at 7:15am. The bus will return to LMU's Harrogate campus by 7pm. Make preparations to have your research materials, food/snacks/money with you.
First Place Poster - Sadie Pittman - Lincoln Memorial University
First Place Oral - C. Angelica Barnett - Lincoln Memorial University
Second Place Poster - Natalie Monroe - Lincoln Memorial University
First Place Poster - Mykaela Chaffin - Eastern Kentucky University
First Place Oral - Laura Kimzey - Bluefield College
Second Place Poster - Jesse Day - Eastern Kentucky University
Second Place Oral - Jennifer Gambrel - Lincoln Memorial University
Third Place Poster - Tie: Brandi Mills and Jami Fisher - Eastern Kentucky University
Third Place Oral - Samantha Smith - Eastern Kentucky University
First Place Poster - Ethan Nusso - East Tennessee State University
First Place Poster - Emily Roark - Lincoln Memorial University
First Place Oral - Tyra Sanchez - Lincoln Memorial University
Second Place Poster - Dakota Topp - Mars Hill University
Second Place Oral - Giselle Ghabussi - Lincoln Memorial University
Third Place Poster - Kayla Hammer - Lincoln Memorial University
Third Place Oral - Joseph Serrenho - Lincoln Memorial University
First Place Poster - Thomas Morris - Eastern Kentucky University
First Place Oral - Lindsey Nangle - King University
Second Place Poster - Saul Barrera - Union College
Second Place Oral - Maya Houston - King University
Third Place Poster - Kammey Powers - Union College
Third Place Oral - Kaitlyn Hornbeck - King University
First Place Oral - Mahalia Cain - Lindsey Wilson College
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2021 BRURC - we appreciate you!
Hebah Al Khateeb - East Tennessee State University
Analysis of Microglial Cell Activation and Morphology Change in an Animal Model of Treatment-Resistant Depression
Angelica Barnett - Lincoln Memorial University
State Legislation and Veterinarians Role in the Opioid Crisis
Dyanie Bermeo - King University
How The Perceptions of Marital Rape Differ in Northern and Southern States
Bethany Boggs - Lincoln Memorial University
eDNA to detect Hellbenders, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis, in the Cumberland Gap Region
Mahalia Cain - Lindsey Wilson College
Adair County Substance Abuse Needs Assessment
Conner Campbell - Campbellsville University
Comparative Study of the Dynamic Properties of the Potassium Channel Accessory Protein KCNE3 in Differing Membrane Environments
Blair Dean - Lincoln Memorial University
The Effects of Social Media Applications on Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Phoenix Dubose - King University
Self-Esteem in Female vs. Male Athletes
Laura Everly - Lincoln Memorial University
Chelation Therapy as a Way to Remove Calcium from Arterial Plaques
Kaelyn Finnegan - Maryville College
Tyrosinase Inhibition and Parkinson's Disease
Hannah Foran - King University
Self-esteem and parenting styles relations to one another
Jennifer Gambrel - Lincoln Memorial University
Culinary Therapy Cooks Up Benefits
Giselle Ghabussi - Lincoln Memorial University
Azo Dyes Derived from Acetylferrocene
Ashley Dayana Gomez - King University
Death And Dying Anxiety and Measures of life
Stephanie Graves - Union College
The Impact of Having a Relationship with a Substance Abuse User
Matt Hammons - Union College
Motives, Consequences and Amount of Alcohol Consumption Among College Students Athletes versus Non-Athletes
Maya Homer - Union College
The Comparsion of How Social Media Influences the Body Image of College Athletes and Non-Athletes
Kaitlyn Hornbeck - King University
The Need to Belong in Females and Males
Maya Houston - King University
Generational Views on Racial Stereotypes
Gavin Hunt - University of Pikeville
Trump's use of power words on Twitter
Claudette Johnson - Lees-McRae College
Bat Diversity and Activity in Three Habitat Types in Western North Carolina
Anthony Kennedy - Lindsey Wilson College
An application of newer conceptualizations to Durkheim's Theory of Suicide
Laura Kimzey - Bluefield College
Broken Parts: Using the Internal Family Systems Model to Analyze Jay Gatsby
Hailey Leach - King University
Does the Number of Siblings and Birth Order Correlate to Anxiety Levels in Individuals?
Lindsey Nangle - King University
The Effects of Social Conformity on an Opinion Change
Jahmira Rogers - King University
Stigma and Mental Health Disorders
Tyra Sanchez - Lincoln Memorial University
Detection of Chytridiomycosis in the Cumberland Gap region
Joseph Serrenho - Lincoln Memorial University
Chalcone Derivatives as Potential β-Lactamase Inhibitors When in Combination with β-Lactam Antibiotics
Clayton Sexton - Lincoln Memorial University
Growth Optimization of Zinc Oxide Thin Films via Chemical Deposition
Austyn Simmons - Lincoln Memorial University
Survey of local perceptions regarding tick-associated risks in the Cumberland Gap Area
Samantha Smith - Eastern Kentucky University
Inside the Mind of Tennessee Williams: An Analysis of A Streetcar Named Desire
Christin Haleigh Sutton - Union College
Do Violent Video Games Cause Aggression Among Gamers?
Cassie Warren - Union College
Perceived Discrimination
Marydel Williams - King University
Is there a perceived stigma regarding the public's attitude toward mental health?
Alexandra Zimmerman - King University
Using Childhood Attachment to Predict Adult Relationships
Dallas Griffith; Sydney Smith; Unique Earley; Savannah Dunsmore - Lincoln Memorial University
Emerging Adult Spirituality: The Impact of Covid-19 and Online Religious Gatherings
Brian Adams - Eastern Kentucky University
Dungeons and Dragons and Storytelling
Morgan Bargo - Eastern Kentucky University
The Unattainable American Dream in The Great Gatsby
Saul Barrera - Union College
College Student-Athletes on Risk Level Alcohol use and it's effective on GPA
Peyton Bowling - Eastern Kentucky University
Ray Bradbury's Slow Burn: How Gradual Self-Censorship has Suppressed our Freedom of Speech
Jessica Brandenburg - Eastern Kentucky University
The Faustian Bargain in The Picture of Dorian Gray
Jeremiah Bullard - Union College
Quality of Life Before and After Recovery from Substance Abuse
Jane Burch - Eastern Kentucky University
Despair, Dazai, and Differences in Culture
Sophia Carter - Eastern Kentucky University
Toxic Masculinity in Frankenstein
Mykaela Chaffin - Eastern Kentucky University
Duality in Shakespeare's Richard II
Evan Collett - Lincoln Memorial University
Piroplasms in the genera Babesia, Theileria, and Cytauxzoon from Ixodid ticks in the Cumberland Gap Region
Ashton Conley - Eastern Kentucky University
Jo March: A Historical Basis for the Modern Queer Woman
Jesse Day - Eastern Kentucky University
The Counterfeit vs the Original in William Gaddis's THE RECOGNITIONS
James Downton - Eastern Kentucky University
Femininity, Youth, and Dominican-American Culture: The Poet X
Adrienne Eggers - Union College
Co-Occurring Disorders in relation to SUD
Jami Fisher - Eastern Kentucky University
Jane Eyre: A Novel Driven by Racial Conflict and Stereotypes
Kayla Hammer - Lincoln Memorial University
Assessing the Microbial Quality of Powell River Water Using Indicator Bacteria
Lexi Jade Henson - Union College
The Effect of Television on Childrens Homework
Gabrielle Hughes - Eastern Kentucky University
Love You Forever: Transcending Audience
Ashlee Little - Eastern Kentucky University
The Swallows of Kabul: A Story of Love, Actions, and Sacrifice
Bailey Messer - Union College
Social Aspects of Drug Use Among College Students
Brandi Mills - Eastern Kentucky University
Persepolis and the New Age of Visual Storytelling
Natalie Monroe - Lincoln Memorial University
One Health, Human Animal Bond, and Veterinary Services in Tanzania/Zanzibar
Thomas Morris - Eastern Kentucky University
Voice's Effect on Effort and Recall: The Role of Cognitive Stress
Ethan Nussio - East Tennessee State University
Statistics and Feature engineering used to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Healthcare's Diabetes Management Program
Sadie Pittman - Lincoln Memorial University
Canine Prostate Examination Model
Kammey Powers - Union College
Correlation Between a College Student Having a Job and Their Academic Performance
Katie Reed - Eastern Kentucky University
Sexism and Patriarchy in the 1920's
Emily Roark - Lincoln Memorial University
Activity of ticks from various habitats and times of day, and corresponding infection status with Borrelia spp. and Babesia spp.
Dakota Topp - Mars Hill University
Analysis of Alpha Helices in the Receptor Binding Domain in Botulinum Types A, B, D, G
Nicole Watson - Eastern Kentucky University
Analysis of Language Use in Reader-Insert Fanfiction
Contact Natalie Sweet, Executive Director, Office of Research, Grants and Sponsored Programs at natalie.sweet@LMUnet.edu for more information.