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Mission Statement

Mission Statements 


The mission of the Debusk College of Osteopathic Medicine (DCOM):

To prepare healthcare professionals, including practitioners, researchers and educators, who are committed to serving the Appalachian region and beyond with the premise that the cornerstone of meaningful existence is service to humanity.


The mission of the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) Program at LMU-DCOM:

To prepare outstanding osteopathic physicians who are committed to the premise that the cornerstone of meaningful existence is service to humanity.


The DO PROGRAM mission is achieved by:

  • Providing a values-based learning community as the context for teaching, research, and service;
  • Serving the health and wellness needs of people within both the Appalachian region and beyond;
  • Focusing on enhanced access to comprehensive health care for underserved communities;
  • Investing in quality academic programs supported by superior faculty and technology;
  • Embracing compassionate, patient-centered care that values diversity, public service and leadership as an enduring commitment to professionalism and the highest ethical standards;
  • Facilitating the growth, development, and maintenance of graduate medical education.

DO Program Mission revised 4/3/19 by LMU-DCOM - approval at Dean's Council Meeting
Approved revision 5/3/19 by the LMU Board of Trustees.


LMU-DCOM (DO Program) Strategic Plan 2024-2029

Approved 10/25/2023 by the LMU-DCOM Strategic Planning and Compliance Committee
Approved by LMU-DCOM Dean's Council 11/06/23



Goal #1: The DO program has a written mission and strategic plan, and maintains full accreditation from AOA-COCA and other accreditors.

Goal #2: The DO Program will have leadership and senior administrative staff with the knowledge, skills, time, and support necessary to achieve the goals of the osteopathic medical education program and to ensure the functional integration of all programmatic components.

Goal 3: The DO Program has sufficient financial resources readily available to meet the needs of the COM and to achieve the COM mission, consistent with its projected and authorized class size.

Goal 4: The DO program has modern facilities, equipment, and resources available to faculty, staff, students, alumni and community to achieve educational, curricular, and research goals.

Goal #5: The DO program provides a professional, respectful, non-discriminatory, and intellectually stimulating academic and clinical environment.

Goal #6: The DO program curriculum prepares future clinicians to serve the community with high quality patient-centered healthcare.

Goal #7: The faculty possess the credentials, knowledge, and skills to carry forth the mission of the DO Program.

Goal #8: The DO program faculty, students, and post-graduate trainees have opportunity to participate in research, grants and/or scholarly activities contributing to the advancement of knowledge in medicine.

Goal #9: The DO program recruits, admits, and holistically supports students.

Goal #10: The DO Program supports the development and maintenance of community-based graduate medical education programs and prepares students to be competitive for placement into GME programs.

Goal #11: The DO program assesses programmatic and individual student outcomes using data to continuously improve all aspects of the COM.

Approved 10/24/2022 by the LMU-DCOM Strategic Planning and Compliance Committee

Approved by LMU-DCOM Dean's Council 11/2/22

Strategic Plan Reports

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