Each semester, every dormitory shall develop a specific "Lockdown" procedure for their building. The LMU Campus Police and Security Office will assist in the development of these plans. The "Lockdown" procedure for each dormitory shall contain the following:
- The name of the Resident Assistant and their alternate, including contact information
- Emergency telephone numbers
- Roles and responsibilities for building lockdown team, including contact information and identification of posts and designation of individual to provide status updates to LMU Campus Police and Security Office
- A current list of residents
Each semester, a copy of each dormitory's lockdown procedures shall be filed with the LMU Campus Police and Security Office.
Each semester, academic buildings shall develop a specific lockdown procedure. The LMU Campus Police and Security Office will assist in the development of these plans. The lockdown procedure for each academic building shall contain the following:
- The name of the building emergency leader and their alternate, including contact information
- Emergency telephone numbers
- Roles and responsibilities for building lockdown team, including contact information, identification of posts and designation of an individual to provide status updates to LMU Campus Police and Security Office
- If students are in class during a lockdown, procedures for the instructor to compile names and keep attendance to make sure everyone remains present and accounted for
- Identification of areas or classrooms that can be secured to provide maximum safety for students, faculty, and staff during an emergency.
Each semester, a copy of each academic building's lockdown procedure shall be filed with the LMU Campus Police and Security Office.