Open or Close Alert Message

Status Update: Due to inclement weather, LMU-Lexington and LMU-Corbin sites will be closed on Wednesday, February 19. Seated classes will meet virtually, and students should check Canvas for alternative assignments.

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To inquire about this program:
Stephanie Johnson | 1-800-325-0900, ext. 4136 or 865-531-4136 |

Admission To job embedded pathway

LMU is state approved to provide licensure through the job-embedded experiences in all our licensure offerings. Candidates in good standing in the LMU MEd with Teacher License program may apply for admission in the Job Embedded Program during their enrollment in EDUC 570/571. Acceptance into the Job Embedded Program is not an automatic approval. The applicant MUST complete and comply with the following to be considered for admission:

  • Hold a minimum of bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college/university, with a cumulative GPA of 75 or higher on a 4-point scale or have a minimum of 2.75 in the last 60 credit hours of a completed baccalaureate degree.
  • Submit passing scores on PRAXIS Content Knowledge Exam for the licensure the candidate is applying to teach if the candidate does not hold a bachelor’s degree in that area*
  • Submit an official Letter of Intent to Hire from a partnering Tennessee school system stating the position, subject area, and grade level for which the candidate is being
  • Meet all employment eligibility requirements for employment at the partnership school district.
  • Enrollment in EDUC 570, EDUC 580, EDUC 571, and EDUC 509 with a grade of B during the first year.
  • Receive Interview and approval by the Job Embedded Candidate Review

*The Director of Licensure handles all licensure requests for job-embedded candidates. LMU is subject to TN DOE and TN SBOE rulings and policies which can change program requirements. 

NOTE: Admission to the job-embedded program may involve changes to the candidate's course delivery including two semester of EDUC 593. 

Admission to MEd with teacher licensure Program

  • Submit transcripts with a minimum overall GPA of 2.75 from a completed baccalaureate or postbaccalaureate degree program or a GPA of 3.00 in the most recent sixty (60) credit hours earned at a regionally accredited institution. Applicants that do not meet the 2.75 GPA will be required to submit a written explanation of why they did not achieve the 2.75 GPA, along with a submission of their appeal as to why they should be admitted to the program. If the applicant is conditionally admitted, they will be required to maintain a 3.0 grade point average as well as be rated "satisfactory" on dispositional assessments before being allowed to continue in the program. 
  • Complete background check waiver form
  • Complete Tennessee Bureau of Investigation background check
  • Forward recommendation forms to three references
  • In-person interview upon review of admission documents

Admission to Enhanced Clinical Practice - Student Teaching

  • Pass PRAXIS® Subject Assessments
  • Submit university transcripts documenting all required coursework completed as outlined in the candidate's individual program of study (minimum GPA of 3.0)

Licensure Requirements

  • Successfully complete all requirements for Enhanced Student Teaching - EDUC 591 or EDUC 593 
  • Successful submission of edTPA Portfolio if applicable
  • Exit interview
  • Exit survey

MEd Degree Exit Requirement

  • Submit Intent to Graduate Form
  • Successfully complete comprehensive exam