Status Update: Due to inclement weather, LMU-Lexington and LMU-Corbin sites will be closed on Wednesday, February 19. Seated classes will meet virtually, and students should check Canvas for alternative assignments.
To inquire about this program: Dr. Julia Kirk | 865.531.4131 | |
Domestic applicants seeking admission to the doctoral program must meet the following criteria and submit the required documentation as stipulated. Admission packages for membership in the fall cohort are accepted on a rolling basis, and there are still limited spots for the Fall 2024 cohort. The admissions process consists of two stages with the first being a paper-based document review and the second, a performance-based assessment that includes a writing sample and interview. Additionally, an early application period occurs at a February 1st deadline. Anyone who has submitted all application materials by February 1st qualifies for the early admissions process.
The Admissions Committee will review all documents and rate the applicants based on their ability to complete requirements within the doctoral program successfully. In some cases, a conditional status may be granted with additional preparation required for an applicant to obtain full graduate status. In the event this review leads the Committee to make an affirmative decision, the applicant will advance to Stage Two of the application process. All decisions made by the Admissions Committee are final.
Those applicants recommended for additional consideration will be invited to complete a writing sample.
The applicants who score well on the writing activity sample will be invited to an interview.
The Admissions Committee will review all available data and forward a final recommendation for, or denial of, admission to the applicant. The decision of the Admissions Committee is final. Upon notice of acceptance, applicants will work with the program director to complete a program of study appropriate to the degree program and concentration(s) she or he has selected. Admitted applicants will be required to attend a program orientation before beginning their work in the program. Failure to do so will result in a deferred enrollment or re-assessment of the admittance decision.
Applicants may also be admitted to the doctoral program on a conditional basis. An assignment of this status indicates that, although all mandatory admissions paperwork has been duly submitted, one or more criteria required for program admission have not yet been met. Conditional status is often accorded as a result of the writing activity scores that do not meet the program's required level of performance.
Candidates who enter with a conditional status will submit a collection of assignments from the first two terms of coursework which will be subject to review by two doctoral faculty members. This review will occur at the end of the second term of coursework.
Given that this review indicates, in the opinion of the faculty, the candidate has the required knowledge and skills to successfully complete the program, his or her admission will be changed to reflect full graduate status.
Full Graduate Status
Candidates who have successfully met all program requirements, upon admission, are accorded full graduate status.