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Welcome Weekend

Welcome Weekend is an orientation program created for first-year and transfer students. This is required for all new students at LMU. The weekend is full of fun and resource-packed events. This weekend will give you an opportunity to connect with fellow classmates, upper division students, faculty, and staff here at LMU all before the first day of classes.

Welcome Weekend FAQs

What will I Experience at Welcome Weekend?

Welcome Weekend includes content about Campus Safety and Security, Time Management, Study Skills, Diversity, Campus Resources, LMU History and Traditions, Leadership and Involvement Opportunities and a whole lot of fun!

When Is Welcome Weekend?

Welcome Weekend takes place the Thursday-Sunday before classes begin each fall. Be sure to check your LMU email to receive additional details and updates.

Is Attendance at Welcome Weekend Mandatory?

Yes. Welcome Weekend gives students the opportunity to meet classmates, faculty and staff, and learn about the resources available to navigate the college experience. We believe attending Welcome Weekend is essential to first-year success and therefore, all students are required to attend. Attendance is required for all in-coming students including commuter and transfer students.

What LMU Staff Will Be Supervising Welcome Weekend Activities?

A variety of faculty, staff, and administrators will be in and out to say hello, and talk to students. The Director of Orientation & Transition Programs and the Lincoln Ambassadors will be supervising all campus activities throughout the weekend.

Are Parents Invited to Welcome Weekend?

Parents and family members are invited to attend Welcome Weekend activities on the Thursday of Welcome Weekend which includes check in, move in, and an evening for students and guests. The remainder of the weekend is reserved for students only.

May I Leave During Welcome Weekend?

No, students are required to stay for the duration of Welcome Weekend.

Who Should My Family Contact in Case of Emergency While I Am Attending Welcome Weekend?

If there is an emergency, parents should contact Campus Security at 423.869.6911. The Security Staff will be able to get in touch with staff and students on-campus.

Will We Be Outside for the Duration of Welcome Weekend?

The large portion of each day will occur in an air-conditioned facility. There will be outdoor games and the possibility of working with a community service partner at an outdoor location, so students should dress accordingly.

What If I Am Required to Work during Welcome Weekend?

We provide you with the dates for Welcome Weekend well in advance, therefore, we expect that you will request off for the 4 days of Welcome Weekend.

Are Meals Provided During Welcome Weekend?

Yes. You will be provided with meal tickets to eat on campus throughout the weekend. Residential students will begin using their meal plans on Sunday evening.

Where Can I Park During Welcome Weekend?

Students are welcome to park in any of the parking spaces designated for students. Please visit our Campus Police and Security Webpage to view a map of campus and locate student parking.

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