Status Update: Due to inclement weather, LMU-Lexington and LMU-Corbin sites will be closed on Wednesday, February 19. Seated classes will meet virtually, and students should check Canvas for alternative assignments.
— Lincoln Memorial University-Richard A. Gillespie College of Veterinary Medicine (LMU-CVM) 2022 Phi Zeta Research Day showcased 27 research projects that had been conducted by students over the last year.
LMU-CVM recognizes, encourages and rewards students who excel in research. Each year, the LMU-CVM Phi Zeta Research Day allows for students to present their research and compete for poster awards. Research Day is also a forum for communication of student research opportunities and is attended by the faculty members from LMU-CVM, the University of Kentucky Gluck Equine Research Center (UK GERC) and the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (UKVDL), and students from all three of the pre-clinical year classes of the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program and others from the LMU community.
The event was held December 1 and poster presentation winners were:
Social Science/Education
1st Place – Tristan Lackey – “A Systematic Review on Burnout and Work Satisfaction in Human and Veterinary Medicine” - LMU-CVM Faculty Mentor: Lauren Wisnieski
2nd Place – Audrey Burnette – “The Conservation of Resources (COR) Theory and Equine Veterinarian Burnout” - LMU-CVM Faculty Mentor: Lauren Wisnieski
3rd Place – Lauren Jones – “The Retention in Equine Veterinarians Longitudinal Study Survey” - LMU-CVM Faculty Mentor: Lauren Wisnieski
Life Science
1st Place – Brooke Noah and Emily Willems – “Are Multiple Pathogens Associated with Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivis?” - LMU-CVM Faculty Mentors: Beth Kitts-Morgan, Lynda Miller, Ashutosh Verma
2nd Place – Leann Presnell – “The Impact of Neonatal PCV3 Infection on the Development of Strep suis Disease in Late Farrowing and Nursery Pig” - LMU-CVM Faculty Mentors: Lauren Wisnieski & Brad Thacker
3rd Place – Savannah Lynch – “Estimated Prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis Infection and Microfilaremia in Shelter Dogs from the Cumberland Gap Region of Tennessee and Kentucky” - LMU-CVM Faculty Mentor: Charles Faulkner
Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) is a values-based learning community dedicated to providing educational experiences in the liberal arts and professional studies. The LMU-Richard A. Gillespie College of Veterinary Medicine is located on LMU’s main campus in Harrogate, Tennessee, with additional academic facilities in nearby Lee County, Virginia. LMU-CVM is an integral part of the University’s medical programs and provides real-world, community-based education in a collaborative learning environment. For more information about LMU-CVM, call 1.800.325.0900, ext. 7150 or visit us online at