Asher Awarded Algernon Sydney Sullivan Scholarship

Caely Nasher

Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) presented the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Scholarship to Caelyn Asher, of Cumberland Gap, Tennessee. Asher is a graduate of Cumberland Gap High School and will be joining the LMU School of Business fall 2021, as a freshman working toward a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree.


Asher qualified for the scholarship through the LMU School of Business Entrepreneurial Scholarship Pathways (ESP) program created by Dr. James Maxwell, dean of the LMU School of Business. ESP is designed to foster entrepreneurship and social awareness in business environments among high school students. It consists of five units, each taking roughly one course period, and concludes with a business plan and an essay, which students may submit to compete for a full-tuition scholarship.


Asher is the third ESP participant to receive the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Scholarship. Others are Ethan Dyer, of Union County High School, and Jacob Williams, of Claiborne High School. ESP is available to high school students in Claiborne, Union, Campbell, Knox, Hamblen, Jefferson, Grainger, Hancock, Sevier, and Cocke counties in Tennessee; Bell, Harlan, Knox, and Whitley counties in Kentucky; and Lee, Scott, and Wise counties in Virginia.


Established in honor of a celebrated 19th-century humanitarian and attorney who often represented poor clients for free if their cause was just, the Sullivan Foundation has been recognizing college students for service and outstanding character since 1890. Through college scholarships, awards and changemaking programming, the Sullivan Foundation has been inspiring young people to place service to others above self-interest. Working through a network of 70 partner schools throughout the American South, the Sullivan Foundation recognizes, supports and honors service-oriented college students as well as university faculty/staff members and alumni with a demonstrated record of community involvement.


In addition to the scholarships, the University has had the privilege of awarding the Algernon Sydney Sullivan and Mary Mildred Sullivan Awards annually to both students and community members for many years. The awards are given to recognize individuals whose “nobility of character” and dedication to service sets them apart as examples for others. 

Lincoln Memorial University is a values-based learning community dedicated to providing educational experiences in the liberal arts and professional studies. The main campus is located in Harrogate, Tennessee. For more information about the undergraduate and graduate programs available at LMU, contact the Office of Admissions at 423.869.6280 or email at

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