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Tutoring Partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs of Tennessee Valley (BGCTV)

Free Tutoring Through TN ALL Corps Grant

Coming 2023-2024!

The J. Frank White Academy (JFWA) will partner with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tennessee Valley (BGCTV) to offer TN ALL Corps tutoring for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Additional information about this opportunity will be provided to JFWA students and families in August 2023.

What is the TN ALL Corps Grant?

TN ALL Corps is a grant opportunity to empower districts to implement or strengthen robust tutoring programs for students across the state. Through TN ALL Corps grants, districts can flexibly design their local tutoring supports within the grant framework to meet the tenets of high dosage/low ratio tutoring that drives strong outcomes for students. Eligible JFWA students in grades 1-8 will have an opportunity to receive tutoring in reading and/or mathematics, free of charge. High-dosage, low ratio tutoring that creates high-impact learning experiences, focuses on reteaching missed or unlearned content, and connect missed learning to grade level content.

What are the components of TN ALL Corps Tutoring?

Key components of TN ALL Corps tutoring includes but is not limited to the following: group size (4 or less), frequency (2-3 sessions per week), in-person delivery, and content focus. The BGCTV will facilitate and administer the grant. A partnership with TN ALL Corps tutoring also includes free online synchronous tutoring in math, essay writing and ACT support; free online supplemental math program for grades 1 – 8; and free online supplemental reading materials.