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Academic Success And Bar Passage Programs

LMU Law's Academic Success and Bar Preparation Programs are designed to enable students and graduates to internalize, develop and apply legal knowledge and essential lawyering skills in a way that will enhance their performance in law school, on the bar exam, and throughout their legal career.

The law school's extensive Academic Success and Bar Preparation Programs begin prior to enrollment, offer students support all the way through graduation, and continue until students have passed the bar examination. Significant components of the programs include:

  • An Orientation Program before enrollment
  • A required academic success course for all students during their first semester ("Legal Foundations I")
  • A required academic success course for students who have a cumulative GPA of 2.32 or below after the first semester ("Legal Foundations II")
  • Additional required academic success courses for upper-level students ("Advanced Independent Academic Study")
  • Two required bar preparation courses
  • An optional bar preparation course focused on writing bar essays
  • Individual tutoring sessions and scheduled workshops conducted by Dean's Fellows and academic success faculty members, including the writing specialist
  • A post-graduation supplemental bar preparation program conducted by LMU Law faculty to complement the provided commercial bar review course.

Faculty Advisors

In addition, LMU Law's commitment to academic success continues with our Faculty Advising program throughout law school. At the start of each academic calendar, LMU Law assigns each student a faculty advisor, a member of the full-time faculty who provides guidance on course selection, career opportunities, and other issues. This program connects every student to an individual member of our faculty, each of whom is a specialist their field. If students are interested in particular area of the law in which their advisor is not a specialist, their faculty advisors will assist the students to seek out other faculty members who teach or specialize in that area.

Programs and Courses

In addition, since 2012, LMU Law and BARBRI, Inc., the country's largest and most respected provider of law school and bar review courses, partnered to provide academic support and bar exam-related workshops, programs, materials, resources, and diagnostic assessments to every student throughout law school. Prior to graduation, LMU Law provides all of its students free access to the full BARBRI Bar Review course, available for all 50 states.